Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Bismillah Aragman Araghim

I have Publically offered the people in Newcastle and surrounding areas a R100,000-00 REWARD if they can supply me with certain information related to the Bismillah and the Etz Chayyim, in the local rag the Newcastle Advertiser.
The Bismillah has exactly 19 letters which when added according to Haroof-e-abjad (Gematric science) gives us 786 in total and 7+8+6 = always 2+1 as THREE in ONE and when we take the 786 back to ROOT numbers in the TREE of Life, we ALWAYS get ONE in any case and thus we again see this THREE to be ONE in the ROOT and this cannot ever change.
Just as any math student worth his salt is immediately familiar with the sequential number order of 345 related to the Pythagorrean Right angled Triangle with the short side, long side and Hypotenuse, so too should any Scholar or Theologian worth his salt, IMMEDIATELY latch on to the Mystical 786 of the TREE of LIFE as included by Solomon within the Bismillah where the letters are counted to supply us with this 786 of the TREE of LIFE as the Second supernal.
Then we also see that in the Right Hand Pillar of this TRERE OF LIFE diagram, we have the Mystic 358 which, strange as it may seem, is also always ONE.
Take the three as 37x8 =296 xTHREE and we have 888 as Jesus.
The the Five as 37x8 =296 x FIVE and we have 1480 as CHRIST.
Then 8 x8 is also 888+1480 to be 2368 and when added is 19 as 1+9 as ONE. (zero drops off)

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Bismillah Aragman Araghim (BAA acronym)

How come that a so-called Christian is so fascinated and almost chained to this Title of BAA?
How come that I who am ME that is what and who I AM what I AM, is totally and irrevocably attached to and in Praise of this Title and what then is it about this Title that is so important to me as a Christian when it is supposedly a thing of "EVIL" as I have been told repeatedly by so many theologians, and from Islam , according to my Priest(s) within the Christian church(es)?
Why is my entire BLOG filled with BAA? Why did Queen Bilqis of Sheba (Yemen today) go on such an unprecedented and multi-billion dollar QUEST for the NAME of the God of Israel according to 1Kings 10 and sura 27:30 of the Quran and why did she have her Parliamentarians insert this BAA into that country's CONSTITUTION after paying BILLIONS for it?

WHY was it removed and WHY is it that any country removing this BAA from their constitution is eternally cursed to have the Rainwater removed from that country to become a rock and sand desert as proven us by HISTORY?

Why is the BAA then so valued in ISLAM, and unbeknown as yet to them at this stage because of the VEIL or BURQA or Yashmuk still drawn over their eyes, but muttered billions of times each and every single day by such existentialist ignoramus's in Parrot fashion?
WHY for the love of all that is GOOD do our theologians REJECT this Most Holy NAME of God eternal who is ONE/Wahed, and there is NONE other than HE who is ONE with the proverbial 100th Name, that King Solomon gave to Bilqis and through her to US on the collective mankind as ONE, 3000 years ago encrypted by Solomon for the evil ones NOT to know and not to see where the veil is yet covered over their faces, for a reason that only God understands.

We are told to become like a little child and then God reveals these things to us and it is so EASY and it HURTS me that professors of theology can not see this NAME as given by Solom so that Phil 2:9 can be fulfilled for all time into all eternity that sura 74:30 may be REVEALED when Muddaththir is NOT then HIDDEN anymore and the Blanket veil covering that which was then HIDDEN, may be finally removed.
WHY is it that our theologians and leaders DENY this Most Holy Name of God who is ONE?
Well, this year I will be summonsed to court and then I shall REVEAL it to all who wishes to see and they with the veil will have it torn in twain whereas some will certainly try to Kill me but these are they who cannot destroy the soul and they are NOTHING. ZERO ZILCH.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

2009 for Bismillah

YES! Hopefully 2009 can be a most fruitful year for my DESTINATION is locked up with the mystic Bismillah having to be revealed. I have been commissioned to remove the MUDDATHTHIR (that which is wrapped up) in sura 74 and in ayat 30. THAT which is ABOVE IT ALL as 19 for which Dr Rashad Khalifa was murdered and KILLED on an Islamic Jihad(Holy war) and decree or FATWA by their Judicial council in 1990 on the 31st of January .
This year I shall hopefully be taken to COURT and then I shall be obliged to reveal my sources and KNOWLEDGE with greater understanding which has been hidden now for 3000 years as given to Bilqis (sura 27:30 and 1Kings 10) by Suleiman or Solomon within the cryptogram of this BISMILLAH where the 100 th NAME of God is HIDDEN as it is given in Phil 2:9 as 2368 or added as 19. Anyone can enter 2368 (888+1480) to be 19 as ONE or wahed, on the GOOGLE searchy engine and LOOK for themselves but our people are LAZY and for this Hosea 4:6 pertains directly as also Malalchi 2 and sura 3:61 IN THE jUDAIC blood CURSE ON ALL OUR pRIESTLY HEADS.

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Bismillah Aragman Araghim

Hallo Toger, M(B) illions of times each day these Arabic words are used by people totally ignorant of the enshrined MEANING within it. Even translated into English as "In the name of God most Gracious, most Merciful" these people do not have the REAL heavenly meaning thereof that God encoded in it and gave it to Bilquis via Solomon 3000 years ago. Just as millions of people go on the Hajj Pilgrimage each year and walk around the Ka'abah (Cube in English) 7 times exactly, so too can they not tell you why exactly it must and can NEVER be 6 or 8 times for example, but MUST be exactly 7 times. If the world knows and understands this 7 x then Phil 2:9 and sura 74:30 will be seen as ONE and tghe TRUTH over it all as the Name of God/Allah, as ONE in John 17:22. LOVE to all in this ONE

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Bismillah Aragman Araghim

Salaam Alaikom. I have been battling with the TRUTH for many years, and then GOD/Allah, revealed a Part of Himself to me, within his Most Holy Name. Now only I see how that all Priests and theologians, knows not that they know not, and reject the Most Holy name of the ONE and only God, yet preach in it daily for which to be unde the curse of GOD/ALLAH, in Malachi 2 and sura 3:61.

NOW, when I want to reveal this NAME which God/Allah who is ONE, gave to me to reveal it and to make it known unto the Nations as instructed to DO, the theologians regard me as MAD!
Now I know why the disciples and Jesus himself was persecuted and KILLED.
Now I know why the RC Pope proclaimed Wm. Tynesdale as a Heretic to be KILLED by the church of some false god on a Papal decree when translating the Bible for other to understand it.
Now I know wht Islam KILLED Dr Rashad Khalifa on a legal(?) Fatwa as decreed by the International Judicial council of this evil Islam.
Now I know why I have received death threats when trying to reveal this NAME, as instructed to do.
Now I know why Paul and his cohorts KILLED the first Christian Martyr, Steven.
Now I know what I know, and it is GOOD.
Now I know why Satan HATES this Most holy Name of Jesus Christ within the Bismillah with such a terrible hatred that it makes SICK and a diseased society who loves to Bomb and Maim and KILL anything within the Most Holy Name of Jesus Christ.
Not long now and it will all be revealed as Solomon revealed and gave unto Bilqis.
Only then can there ever again be eternal PEACE and not ever before then.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

DO YOU WANT THE TRUTH? Are you afraid of the TRUTH?

Hannelie. Forget about abstractions and Details on your INTERNET e-mail emotives to Highlight sensuals on the DOWNLOAD from other equally depraved ones. Soort soek altyd soort en daarom is ek op die downslide myself. MAAR die verskil is dat ek WEET. The END time is closer than you think. We are NOW living in the End Time. We have been WARNED and are having to take NOTE or Perish.God KNOWS EVERYTHING even before we think it and we shall one day have to answer to each thought and word spoken. Go to your computer in the Justice and log onto Google search engine (or any other) and LINK the word Jesus with either 888 (in Greek) and Click on the search and check it out. Link "JESUS" with 2368 (888+1480 = Jesus Christ in Gematric Science of the Ancients)and see what this reveals to You. Link the NAME of Jesus Christ as 7920 in Hebrew with the Diameter of the earth and see what this reveals unto you. Link Jesus with 3168 and see what this reveals. I can go on and on but this will lead to Biblical Frustration to drive you loco. LOVE U my dear. A.

Bismillah Aragman Araghim

Hannelie, Hier is vir jou iets. Jy gaan nie dadelik click nie, maar indien jy aanhou saql die Penny uiteindelik "drop." Only the worthy ones will find it since God only reveals himself to those who are found WORTHY and then equally, in Part.
The Parts, like a proverbial Jig-Saw Puzzle, gradually start making sense as you get to gradually join the pieces. I cannot ever explain a thing to another should there not be an intense DESIRE to learn more. Others we must leave and let them to be what they are as the worm within the Cocoon or Chrysalis, who might or might not one day, BECOME what they are as the butterfly when the veil is removed.