Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Bismillah Aragman Araghim (BAA acronym)

How come that a so-called Christian is so fascinated and almost chained to this Title of BAA?
How come that I who am ME that is what and who I AM what I AM, is totally and irrevocably attached to and in Praise of this Title and what then is it about this Title that is so important to me as a Christian when it is supposedly a thing of "EVIL" as I have been told repeatedly by so many theologians, and from Islam , according to my Priest(s) within the Christian church(es)?
Why is my entire BLOG filled with BAA? Why did Queen Bilqis of Sheba (Yemen today) go on such an unprecedented and multi-billion dollar QUEST for the NAME of the God of Israel according to 1Kings 10 and sura 27:30 of the Quran and why did she have her Parliamentarians insert this BAA into that country's CONSTITUTION after paying BILLIONS for it?

WHY was it removed and WHY is it that any country removing this BAA from their constitution is eternally cursed to have the Rainwater removed from that country to become a rock and sand desert as proven us by HISTORY?

Why is the BAA then so valued in ISLAM, and unbeknown as yet to them at this stage because of the VEIL or BURQA or Yashmuk still drawn over their eyes, but muttered billions of times each and every single day by such existentialist ignoramus's in Parrot fashion?
WHY for the love of all that is GOOD do our theologians REJECT this Most Holy NAME of God eternal who is ONE/Wahed, and there is NONE other than HE who is ONE with the proverbial 100th Name, that King Solomon gave to Bilqis and through her to US on the collective mankind as ONE, 3000 years ago encrypted by Solomon for the evil ones NOT to know and not to see where the veil is yet covered over their faces, for a reason that only God understands.

We are told to become like a little child and then God reveals these things to us and it is so EASY and it HURTS me that professors of theology can not see this NAME as given by Solom so that Phil 2:9 can be fulfilled for all time into all eternity that sura 74:30 may be REVEALED when Muddaththir is NOT then HIDDEN anymore and the Blanket veil covering that which was then HIDDEN, may be finally removed.
WHY is it that our theologians and leaders DENY this Most Holy Name of God who is ONE?
Well, this year I will be summonsed to court and then I shall REVEAL it to all who wishes to see and they with the veil will have it torn in twain whereas some will certainly try to Kill me but these are they who cannot destroy the soul and they are NOTHING. ZERO ZILCH.

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