Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Bismillah Aragman Araghim

I have Publically offered the people in Newcastle and surrounding areas a R100,000-00 REWARD if they can supply me with certain information related to the Bismillah and the Etz Chayyim, in the local rag the Newcastle Advertiser.
The Bismillah has exactly 19 letters which when added according to Haroof-e-abjad (Gematric science) gives us 786 in total and 7+8+6 = always 2+1 as THREE in ONE and when we take the 786 back to ROOT numbers in the TREE of Life, we ALWAYS get ONE in any case and thus we again see this THREE to be ONE in the ROOT and this cannot ever change.
Just as any math student worth his salt is immediately familiar with the sequential number order of 345 related to the Pythagorrean Right angled Triangle with the short side, long side and Hypotenuse, so too should any Scholar or Theologian worth his salt, IMMEDIATELY latch on to the Mystical 786 of the TREE of LIFE as included by Solomon within the Bismillah where the letters are counted to supply us with this 786 of the TREE of LIFE as the Second supernal.
Then we also see that in the Right Hand Pillar of this TRERE OF LIFE diagram, we have the Mystic 358 which, strange as it may seem, is also always ONE.
Take the three as 37x8 =296 xTHREE and we have 888 as Jesus.
The the Five as 37x8 =296 x FIVE and we have 1480 as CHRIST.
Then 8 x8 is also 888+1480 to be 2368 and when added is 19 as 1+9 as ONE. (zero drops off)

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