Wednesday, January 21, 2009

2009 for Bismillah

YES! Hopefully 2009 can be a most fruitful year for my DESTINATION is locked up with the mystic Bismillah having to be revealed. I have been commissioned to remove the MUDDATHTHIR (that which is wrapped up) in sura 74 and in ayat 30. THAT which is ABOVE IT ALL as 19 for which Dr Rashad Khalifa was murdered and KILLED on an Islamic Jihad(Holy war) and decree or FATWA by their Judicial council in 1990 on the 31st of January .
This year I shall hopefully be taken to COURT and then I shall be obliged to reveal my sources and KNOWLEDGE with greater understanding which has been hidden now for 3000 years as given to Bilqis (sura 27:30 and 1Kings 10) by Suleiman or Solomon within the cryptogram of this BISMILLAH where the 100 th NAME of God is HIDDEN as it is given in Phil 2:9 as 2368 or added as 19. Anyone can enter 2368 (888+1480) to be 19 as ONE or wahed, on the GOOGLE searchy engine and LOOK for themselves but our people are LAZY and for this Hosea 4:6 pertains directly as also Malalchi 2 and sura 3:61 IN THE jUDAIC blood CURSE ON ALL OUR pRIESTLY HEADS.

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