Tuesday, October 21, 2008


I am now involved with a serious Legal FIGHT or Fatwa, in our Media (SABCTV) and their Ombudsman and the Human Rights Commission, related to the name of God/Allah/Gott/Umkhulunkulu since the Satanistic forces in control of South Africa on the Judicial, hates this NAME that is given us to be in sura 74:30 within the Qur'an and in Philipians 2:9 in the Bible, and the Bismillah albeit uttered daily in total arrogant Ignorance as given to us via Bilqis, by Suleiman, 3000 years ago as stated in 1Kings 10 and sura 27:30 where she placed it in the constitution of her land. When it was removed, as in the case now of South Africa, that once flourishing country went down the tubes literally to this very day when GOD/Allah, did as He promised, and removed the WATER (Rain) from the land and we see the very same thing in this Land where this name has been removed since 1994 when the c-ANC-er, took over the government (you can call it that in name only) and we are now the CRIME CAPITAL of the wolrd. There is no other country that can compare to South Africa since they even placed a Moratorium on all crime statistics and Rapes and Murders, yet we still beat the best in the world today.It is only when the BISMILLAH is revealed and made known unto ll the nations of the world, that there can again ever be Peace. This is also as it is written and PROMISED by Jesus Christ whose NAME it is that is 19 that Islam killed Dr Rashad Khalifa for on 31/01/1990 and for which Jesus Christ Himself had to DIE when stating, "FATHER, IT IS DONE!" what is done???? "I have revealed the NAME unto those whom you have given me out of this world." Then He stated as per Instruction:- "GO! And reveal it unto the nations ere I can again return back to this fold." Can any or even just ONE person deny this? If they do, these are FOOLS and will never enter into Paradise.

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