Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Polluting the Name of God as meaningless.

This we find in the NGK and then these theologians insist the NAME of God eternal manifest within Jesus Christ is worthless. For such I refer to the CURSE OF GOD in either Malachi 2 or sura 3:61. This is also why we are so confused today by such Priests of Satan. My Role model Solomon knew that this day will come when the HIDDEN things of God will be revealed and thus he gave us the Bismillah which all religions today REJECT and SPIT on where this Name is encoded as 19 for which Dr Rashad Khalifa had to die on a Fatwa by Islamic scholars in their total arrogance and that Christian and Jewish priests reject whilst Islam utters this Bismillah in refran like a Parrot but knows not that they know not what it is. Everyday you say my Name but you know me not?
Here they utter the name of Jesus Christ each and every single day yet they KNOW it not as yet when spitting on the Name of jesus Christ and so the CURSE of sura 3:61 is relevant today as is Mal 2.

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