Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Bismillah to catch Momentum from Muddaththir.

The "B" has now remained "WRAPPED UP" (Muddaththir) for 3000 years within sura 74:30 and the 114 Bismillahs within the Qur'an. Yet only the Adapt knows and can explain or reveal this UNIVERSAL Absolute to all, if and when he decides to DO so as Instructed by God who Permits thereof at HIS time for when the student is ready, the Master WILL appear but meanwhile the TRUTH collects momentum so that when revealed it will HIT us right in the Forehead and this will be, "in a Flash" as scripture describes it, like unto a hammer strike.
On Friday the 5th of September 2008 I was sitting in the Bath when my phone rang and on answering it was an Independant Democrat Member of Parliament Lillian Ntembe who encouraged me in the work I do related to this NAME of God where she discovered something thereof in her circles, and it pleased me. I sent her a newspaper clipping and a short letter via e-mail and Fax since she gave me her contact Particulars. Soon now this TRUTH related to the Name of God having to be HONORED will be revealed and I am BUSY to prepare the road for others to follow. Naturally she does not know the Bismillah but soon now she shall do so and it will be a tremendous SHOCK to her and all others within their Belief systems to undergo a dramatic Paradigm shift of unheard of proportions. Solomon gave us the Bismillah and then too his name will be seen having been written in the scroll of Malachi 3:16 as will all oters to Praise and Honor and Glorify this NAME so to move out from under the curse of Mal 2 for all time and be what we are as our very own Priests of God, as ONE in John 17:22.

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