Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Why can the world not see?

When a thing is right in front of your eyes, you REFUSE to see it. Many times I havew misplaced my Keys and wished for a return whistle Key ring and search all over wherever I can to find these keys and when eventually I do find it I am so cross for it laying in such an obvious place that I feel totally ridiculous and stupid. Other times th saying that, "If it was a snake, it would have bitten you" applied when it was in my hand even. And so it is with EVERYTHING in science and Math, that is of any worth, so childishly SIMPLE that when the BIGGEST Cosmic secrets are discovered by people like Pythagoras, Newton and Einstein, you think why could I not have discovered something as childishly SIMPLE as that. I am quite capable of understanding it and even going beyond but what is it that makes such people special and given a fixed place in History for all time? What is it that makes King Solomon so SPECIAL when he gave Bilqis (the Queen of Sheba) the BISMILLAH. This "Bismillah Aragman Araghim" with 19 Arabic letters which adds up to 786 as the Mathematic UNKNOWN of the XYZ in Cosmic Science. This 786 that is given as the second Supernal within the Etz Chayyim or TREE of LIFE in Genesis and Revelation that is given as the Name of Jesus Christ, even as the 123 of the FIRST Supernal of Kether as ONE and as 296 where THREE is 888 and look anywhere on the INTERNET search engines what 888 is related to the Name of Jesus upon which the DOME of the ROCK is built and for which Islam KILLED Umar as the second caliph and KILLED Dr Rashad Khalifa on the 31/01/1990 for discovering the 19 OVER IT ALL Name of Jesus Christ as WAHED or ONE, in the Quran in sura 74:30 as in Phil 2:9.

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